The Journey - How did we get here?

The Journey - How did we get here?

Dirt Pharmer: Weird name right? It came to me on year 3 of my study of regenerative agriculture and just never left my brain. I grew up a rebel with a heart, a snowboard/skate punk who stopped to pick up trash anywhere I saw it and spent summers hiding in the woods and fighting tourists at my national park near where I grew up that weren't raised with the reverence for the land I had. I wanted to chain myself to trees and fight anyone who dared hurt my home. But as I grew, I saw another angle: people everywhere, no matter how kind and genuine, can only understand within their own context. There is nothing wrong with this of course, we all do it. But the thought got me wondering - In the age of superstorms, chronic disease epidemics, national and global health crises, and steadily collapsing global ecosystem, what is something that connects it all? And what connects us all to it? Simple answer: food. 

We all eat, hopefully a lot of us eat more than once a day. I love food, like REALLY love food. Not just as a consumable thing that tickles my dopamine receptors, but as it's own language. An art and one of the few that is fleeting and in that way beautiful. It's also how we love. Your mom, dad, aunt, grandma making you your favorite birthday dinner or the way I, for example, courted my wife by cooking her the most complex and delicious of French soups on one of our first dinners together. Food is love. 

The rebel in me never died, he just learned compassion. Through my study of the soil and the interconnectedness of the ecosystem outside us to that within us, that rebel became a zealot and sought to force info on anyone brave enough to sit and listen to me. But still, something wasn't clicking. Not everyone speaks the language of science, and not everyone wants to try, nor should they. But everyone eats.

Enter Dirt Pharmer. A compassionate rebellion in the form of a simple food bar. And while nobody is asking for yet another backpack snack on the market, it felt the best way for me to connect my roots as an outdoorsman, adventurer, amateur cook, and ecologist. This to my best knowledge is one of the first regenerative bars on the market not focused on climate change (unfortunately, though true, that word causes a panic trigger in a lot of people that then tune out the message). Instead, we are here to focus on the connection: why it matters not only what you eat, but also what you eat eats. To protect our beautiful Mother Earth and connect disparate factions of humanity from all poles, we at Dirt Pharmer seek only to heal. The food we produce has the highest nutrient density products, grown in a way that allows that healing to pervade the ecosystem the farm belongs to, the lant the plant grows on, and the people who eat it.

We want to grow along the journey with you, hear your stories, and feel the healing in all of us and all that we touch. Thank you for coming with us. Let's start a gentle rebellion together.

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